I will not deceive you, forex trading is not as easy as presented by some gurus. Though automated means of trading has proved to make life easier in this type of investment opportunity, especially in the present economic meltdown.
Lately,most forex traders are now thinking of adopting automated way of trading to ease their stress and make more money on auto pilot. The question is, would they just see any forex robot and start using it? The answer is absolute NO!
So, there are some key factors to be considered before jumping into these forex trading software.The first to consider is called SYSTEM PSYCHOLOGY
As human being, we have different way of reacting to situations or the issue of life, so it is with automated trading systems. Every trading system has a way of responding to market fluctuations. Some forex trading systems are designed to be "trend oriented" meaning that they open and close trade positions automatically base on the current trend of the market. That's their own psychology towards the forex market.
While some other automated trading systems could be "market reversed" oriented system, meaning they open or close trade when a trend has reached its optimal point. This is usually called pivot point trading.
What to be noted is that, response of each expert advisor of forex robot to forex market situation varies. Some fx trading robot perform excellently in some market situations while other in the same forex market trend fail woefully.
To be continued........